Storytelling: How a good story can connect with your audience


Storytelling is one of the oldest strategies to connect with your audience. Over time, and with the speed that the transfer of information has acquired -especially in this digital age- many times we forget about its importance. And feeling identified with good stories is part of human nature. It’s practically engraved in our DNA. As humans, we have been communicating this way for thousands of years. Even in a time when language, as known today, didn’t exist. 

For example, the Chauvet Cave is considered to be the first known masterpiece of humanity. Why? Well, because of its 36.000 years of existence and more than 1000 drawings and engravings from the Paleolithic Age inside of it.

Connect with your audience

So why not use the power of stories in our favor when it comes to our business? When used well, Storytelling can make wonders for your brand. That’s why in this article we want to help you master this technique 👇


First of all… What is Storytelling? 

Surely more than once you have read or heard of the word “Storytelling”. And probably you know what it means, but it’s always good to remember it. “Storytelling” is the word used in English to say “the art of telling stories”.  But, when it comes to connecting with your audience, Storytelling is so much more than that. More than just knowing how to tell a story, it’s about taking advantage of how the human brain works… 🧠

Years ago, scientists used to think that our brains responded to stories the same way as they responded to rational language. That is, involving only the regions of the left side of the brain that process and understand language. But, to their surprise, they were completely wrong. 

In her book, “Wired for Story”, Lisa Cron tells us that our brain works in a way that, at the moment of listening to compelling stories, not only the parts of our brain that process language are involved but also those that process what we see, hear and even what we taste!  

This means that humans, when listening to a good story, are capable of feeling part of it. Knowing this will be helpful for your communication strategy. We are wired to empathize with others and, what better way to make customers empathize with your brand than with a good story? 


6 benefits of using Storytelling in your business that you’re not taking into consideration 

As we have told you throughout this article, dominating the incredible art of telling stories will bring you multiple benefits. Next, we’ll tell you six of them that you’re  probably not taking into account: 

1. Capture the attention of your audience

Think that in this digital age, your audience is being constantly bombarded with information. That’s why, knowing how to tell a good story is a differentiating tool and, by the way, a very powerful one when it comes to capturing attention.

2. Get higher engagement

A real story, one that talks about you, your brand, your achievements, and your failures will help you enormously to build more trust and credibility with your audience. 

3. With Storytelling you will be able to humanize your brand

When we tell stories of our brand, inevitably we’re also telling something about ourselves. Using Storytelling makes your audience understand and know the person behind the brand they love so much. 

4. Increase the fidelity to your brand

This benefit is closely related to the previous one because, if you manage to humanize your brand before your audience, and your product/service accompanies this experience, you will be able to transform this audience into loyal followers.

5. Help people remember your brand 

Do you know what happens in your brain when you listen to a story? Several chemical reactions are triggered, including the release of dopamine, which is responsible for memory persisting over time. So now you know, learn how to get the most out of these reactions and become unforgettable for your clients!

6. Promote virality

Do you remember when was the last time you shared something that you saw on social media? Any meme you identified with, or good news about your favorite influencer? A good story will always be worth sharing!

Like we said before, Storytelling is the art of telling stories, and it has multiple benefits for your brand or business. Telling a good story can help you connect with your audience, promote empathy, greater engagement, and fidelity to your brand, among other things. Find out how to tell a good story with these 5 useful tips. Give it a chance, and dare to communicate by telling stories!